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Geocart® Version 2.6, the Macintosh map projection program
        1. B.S.A.M.
        2. Braun
        3. Cassini
        4. Central Cylindrical
        5. Equal-Area (Cylindrical Equal-Area)
        6. Equirectangular
        7. Gall Stereographic
        8. Kharchenko-Shabanova
        9. Lambert Cylindrical Equal-Area
        10. Mercator
        11. Miller Cylindrical
        12. Pavlov
        13. Plate Carrée
        14. Urmayev III


        1. Apianus II
        2. Boggs Eumorphic
        3. Collignon
        4. Craster Parabolic
        5. Eckert I
        6. Eckert II
        7. Eckert III
        8. Eckert III + IV
        9. Eckert IV
        10. Eckert V
        11. Eckert VI
        12. Foucaut Equal-Area
        13. Foucaut Stereographic
        14. Fournier II
        15. Goode Homolosine
        16. Hatano Asymmetrical Equal-Area
        17. Hyperelleptical
        18. Kavrayskiy V
        19. Kavrayskiy VII
        20. Loximuthal
        21. McBryde S3
        22. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic
        23. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic
        24. McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
        25. McBryde-Thomas I
        26. McBryde-Thomas II
        27. Minimum Error Flat-Polar
        28. Minimum Error Pointed-Polar
        29. Mollweide
        30. Nell
        31. Nell-Hammer
        32. Putnins P1
        33. Putnins P2
        34. Putnins P3
        35. Putnins P3'
        36. Putnins P4'
        37. Putnins P5
        38. Putnins P5'
        39. Putnins P6
        40. Putnins P6'
        41. Quartic Authalic
        42. Robinson
        43. Sinusoidal
        44. The Times
        45. Trapezoidal
        46. Urmayev I
        47. Urmayev II
        48. Wagner I
        49. Wagner II
        50. Wagner III
        51. Wagner IV
        52. Wagner V
        53. Wagner VI
        54. Winkel I
        55. Winkel II


        1. Albers Equal-Area Conic
        2. Amulet
        3. Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal
        4. Bonne
        5. Equidistant Conic
        6. Heart
        7. Lambert Conformal Conic
        8. Lambert Equal-Area Conic
        9. Perspective Conic
        10. Polyconic (American Polyconic)
        11. Rectangular Polyconic
        12. Shield
        13. Werner


        1. Airy
        2. Apple Quasiazimuthal Equal-Area
        3. Berghaus Star
        4. Breusing Geometric
        5. Breusing Harmonic
        6. Chamberlin Trimetric
        7. Equidistant (Azimuthal Equidistant)
        8. Fisheye
        9. Gnomonic
        10. Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
        11. Miller Oblated Stereographic
        12. Orthographic
        13. Perspective (General Vertical Perspective)
        14. Retroazimuthal: Craig Retroazimuthal
        15. Retroazimuthal: Hammer Retroazimuthal
        16. Retroazimuthal: Littrow
        17. Stereographic
        18. Strebe Trimetric
        19. Tilted Perspective
        20. Two-Point Azimuthal
        21. Two-Point Equidistant
        22. Wiechel


        1. Aitoff
        2. Aitoff-Wagner
        3. Briesemeister
        4. Dietrich-Kitada
        5. Eckert-Greifendorff
        6. Hammer
        7. Strebe
        8. Strebe-Hammer
        9. Strebe-Kavrayskiy V
        10. Strebe-Mollweide
        11. Strebe-Sinusoidal (Regal)
        12. Strebe-Snyder Flat Polar
        13. Strebe-Snyder Pointed Polar
        14. Wagner VII
        15. Winkel Tripel


        1. Adams Hemisphere in a Square
        2. Adams World in a Square I
        3. Adams World in a Square II
        4. Apian Globular I
        5. Armadillo
        6. August Epicycloidal
        7. Bacon Globular
        8. Denoyer Semi-elliptical
        9. Eisenlohr
        10. Elliptic Conformal (Conformal World in an Ellipse)
        11. Fournier Globular I
        12. GS50
        13. Guyou
        14. Lagrange
        15. Lateral Equidistant
        16. Nicolosi Globular
        17. Ortelius Oval
        18. Peirce Quincuncial
        19. Tri-optimal
        20. TsNIIGAiK
        21. Van der Grinten I
        22. Van der Grinten II
        23. Van der Grinten III
        24. Van der Grinten IV

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